ALN-201 Linux Installation guide:: Most Linux does not support network after installation, so recompiling kernel is usually required to add networking capability. We suggest the following procedure to install ALN-201 on linux : (Hint:ALN-201 is ne2000 compatable.) step 1: make sure that kernel source code is included (check /usr/src/linux) step 2: recompile kernel: cd to /usr/src/linux, them type 'make menuconfig' select the following options(mark them as '*') .enable module support .networking support .TCP/IP networking .network device support .ethernet .ne2000/ne1000 support(this will add ne2000 driver). step 3: .after options are selected, exit and execute make dep;make clean;make zImage; .if no serious error happens, the new kernel 'zImage' will be in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage. .copy this file to root. .modify '/etc/lilo.conf' file to make system boot from this new kernel image. .run 'lilo' .reboot step 4: when system boots, the driver will be load. check the /proc/pci file if ALN-201 device is detected. (use 'dmesg' to check the boot mseeage, you can see the string "RealTek RTL-8029") step 5: run netconfig to setup TCP/IP (run 'ifconfig' or 'netstat -i' to see if there is a interface 'eth0')