Files/Updates -- Security -- -- Windows XP & Samba 2.2.x
Ok. Where Should I start? There are a few steps that you need to follow in order to get Samba to work with Windows XP.
1. You need to Have Samba 2.2.1a, or greater.
2. You need a copy of XP 2600 Pro.
3. Create a user on the Samba server than has the ability to join the Samba domain.
4. Create a machine account on the Samba server. More about this is in the Samba PDC HOWTO.
5. In XP pull up a command prompt and type "net use * /d" this will disconnect the XP machine from ALL shares on the Samba server, this is required.
6. Right click on the My Computer Icon. > Properties > Computer Name > Change > Domain, and Enter the domain name to join, It will prompt you for a username/password.
7. Reboot XP
8. Go into your registry and Change the following Value to "0" instead of "1". Such as: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\netlogon\parameters\ "RequireSignOrSeal"=dword:00000000
9. Reboot
10. Login to your Samba PDC!
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